secure communication channel

DICOM testing over TLS

I have two open-source projects to deploy a medical imaging application on different platforms. In both of them, I define DICOM validation scenario, and provide steps to test DICOM traffic with TLS. The steps have been working well, until a recent change in Envoy broke the testing, and led me to revisit the test scenario.

In a nutshell, I changed from dcm4che to dcmtk binary builds. I’ve also expanded the test case from a self-signed server certificate to one involving a self-signed CA. Although this test is about TLS for DICOM traffic, the principles apply to any traffic at TCP level. If you just need instruction for DICOM validation on Orthweb or Korthweb projects, skip the Background section.


To test DICOM traffic with command line tool, I was investigating between dcm4che and dcmtk. Both are open-source projects with builds for multiple platforms. My DICOM test is as simple as a C-Echo command and a C-Store command using the tool, with TLS enabled. Once they work, other DICOM commands usually work as well.

I have been primarily using dcm4che as I was familiar with its previous version from my old job. For example, I can issue a C-ECHO with TLS using storescu command:

./storescu -c [email protected]:11112 --tls12 --tls-aes --trust-store server.truststore --trust-store-pass Password123!

To turn that test into a C-Store test, simply add a DCM file as input:

./storescu -c [email protected]:11112 --tls12 --tls-aes --trust-store server.truststore --trust-store-pass Password123! MY.DCM

The C-Store output tracks each DIMSE command and return codes. Note that in the command, we specify –tls12 as the version, and with –tls-aes switch we enabled AES or 3DES encryption. We also specified a file for trust store and password to the trust store.

This is when I first frowned over dcm4che. The dcm4che utility is a Java-based program we have to take an extra step of turning certificate into Java trust store. Different JVM versions may also cause different behaviours in the test. What later prompted me to switch to dcmtk is that with dcm4che I came across a weird error since Envoy proxy version 1.23, which impacted both Orthweb (Envoy proxy) and Korthweb (Istio Ingress).

Moreover, dcmtk is available as a HomeBrew package, Ubuntu package, and Debian package.

The test case, data and the tool

We can install dcmtk utility simply with brew install dcmtk, and then we need its echoscu and storescu commands with correct TLS options. The DICOM data I used for testing is a CT exam available for download here.

Before mocking with dcmtk‘s TLS options, we first need to understand what would be a good test. Previously I have used a single self-signed certificate on server. It is an over-simplified scenario that is far from a real-life certificate chain, and also does not test client certificate. If I also self-sign the client certificate, the client and server certificates are signed by entirely different parties and have no trust relationship, making it an invalid test case for client certificate.

For a full-blown testing with TLS, we should have two levels of CA as below:

RSA Private Key
RSA Private Key
X509 Certificate
X509 Certificate
RSA Public Key
RSA Public Key
RSA Private Key
RSA Private Key
X509 Certificate
X509 Certificate
RSA Public Key
RSA Public Key
Intermediate CA
Intermediate CA
RSA Private Key
RSA Private Key
X509 Certificate
X509 Certificate
RSA Public Key
RSA Public Key
Root CA
Root CA
RSA Private Key
RSA Private Key
X509 Certificate
X509 Certificate
RSA Public Key
RSA Public Key
Text is not SVG – cannot display

The chart represents a typical hierarchy of three-level certificate authorities. Sometimes we need simplicity in our testing, and it is reasonable to simplify the diagram to the following, with one CA that issues certificate for both client and server:

RSA Private Key
RSA Private Key
X509 Certificate
X509 Certificate
RSA Public Key
RSA Public Key
RSA Private Key
RSA Private Key
X509 Certificate
X509 Certificate
RSA Public Key
RSA Public Key
Test CA
Test CA
RSA Private Key
RSA Private Key
X509 Certificate
X509 Certificate
RSA Public Key
RSA Public Key
Text is not SVG – cannot display

Our DICOM validation testing will be based on both approaches depending on the project and deployment option. For Orthweb project and the Helm-chart driven option in Korthweb, we have one level of CA. For the GitOps and manual option in Korthweb, we have two levels of CA. When configuring testing, it is important to have the diagram above in mind.

In addition, we should also be aware of the limitation of the testing. As a personal project I will not pay for the certificates. I have to self-sign the certificate of the CA so there is no way to derive trust on this CA from another level. As a result, we must tell the client and server to trust the CA. The steps to create the needed certificates are:

  1. Generate a key pair for Test CA. Generate the certificate for Test CA by self-signing its own public key
  2. Generate a key pair for the (DICOM) server. Generate the certificate for the server by signing its public key with Test CA’s private key
  3. Generate a key pair for the (DICOM) client. Generate the certificate for the client by signing its public key with Test CA’s private key

Because the client now also has its certificate, we can test with and without client certificate, using the following dcmtck switches:

  • -d (shorthand for –debug): print out detailed DICOM communication log. For succinct output, use -v (shorthand for –verbose) instead.
  • +tla (shorthand for –anonymous-tls): enable anonymous TLS (without client certificate)
  • +tls (shorthand for –enable-tls): enable full TLS (with client certificate), followed by client key and certificate files
  • -rc (shorthand for –require-peer-cert): –require-peer-cert, require peer (server) certificate
  • +cf (shorhand for –add-cert-file): –add-cert-file, add server certificate so client can trust it.

For C-ECHO, the testing commands with and without client certificate look like:

$ echoscu -aet TESTER -aec ORTHANC -d +tla -rc +cf ca.crt 11112
$ echoscu -aet TESTER -aec ORTHANC -d +tls client.key client.crt -rc +cf ca.crt 11112

For C-STORE, the testing commands with and without client certificate look like:

$ storescu -aet TESTER -aec ORTHANC -d +tla -rc +cf ca.crt 11112 DICOM_Images/COVID/56364823.dcm
$ storescu -aet TESTER -aec ORTHANC -d +tls client.key client.crt -rc +cf ca.crt 11112 DICOM_Images/COVID/56364823.dcm

As to how to create the certificates, in the post Creating X.509 TLS certificate in Kubernetes, I discussed different ways to create certificates for testing, including using openssl. In the next two sections, I will discuss them in further details.

Orthweb Test

The orthweb project runs Docker containers on an EC2 instance. In the cloud-init script of the EC2 instance, we self-sign a test CA with openssl. Then we create key and certificate for server and client respectively:

openssl11 req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:4096 -days 365 -nodes -subj /C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Waterloo/O=Digihunch/OU=Imaging/CN=$IssuerComName/[email protected] -keyout /tmp/ca.key -out /tmp/ca.crt

openssl11 req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -subj /C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Waterloo/O=Digihunch/OU=Imaging/CN=$ServerComName/[email protected] -addext extendedKeyUsage=serverAuth -addext,DNS:$IssuerComName -keyout /tmp/server.key -out /tmp/server.csr
openssl11 x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in /tmp/server.csr -CA /tmp/ca.crt -CAkey /tmp/ca.key -set_serial 01 -out /tmp/server.crt

openssl11 req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -subj /C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Waterloo/O=Digihunch/OU=Imaging/CN=$ClientComName/[email protected] -keyout /tmp/client.key -out /tmp/client.csr
openssl11 x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in /tmp/client.csr -CA /tmp/ca.crt -CAkey /tmp/ca.key -set_serial 01 -out /tmp/client.crt

When simulating DICOM activities from the client side, we supply the three files (ca.key, client.crt and client.key) to the echoscu and storescu executables, to issue DIMSE commands on top of TLS from client side, as shown in the previous section.

Korthweb Test

Currently, the Korthweb project deploys to Kubernetes cluster in three approaches, including two types of ingress controllers: Istio CRD (manual and GitOps deployment options) and Traefik CRD (Helm Chart driven deployment options). With both approaches, it is fairly straightforward to validate the HTTPS port. We export the CA certificate and run a curl command such as:

curl -k -X GET -u admin:orthanc --cacert ca.crt

Note that by default, the curl command adds SNI (server name indication) extension by default to its TLS ClientHello Message (even without -HHost switch). It acts like a modern browser.

On the ingress controller side, most ingress controllers use SNI to drive request routing (because Host field in payload is encrypted). For example, Traefik Proxy has HostSNI matching rule. With Istio, the document states that: TLS implies the connection will be routed based on the SNI header to the destination. With DICOM traffic the Ingress also expects the client to make use of SNI extension in the TLS ClientHello message. The ingress supports multiple sites so the SNI even has an impact of which TLS certificate the ingress serves to the client. We can use openssl to examine which certificate an ingress serves. For example:

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect -servername < /dev/null
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect < /dev/null

The second command without -servername switch constructs an ClientHello message without SNI. The ingress may not have a clue of what certificate to serve, depending on its own implementation of TLS protocol. We can also force TLS version with a switch such as -tls1_2.

When it comes to open-source DICOM client, neither dcm4che or dcmtk puts SNI in the TLS request. This created some limitation with my testing. Luckily I do not have multiple routing destinations for now so I only need to direct all DICOM traffic to a service. When I use Istio ingress, I was able to set hosts to “*” so the Ingress does not care missing SNI extension in the client request. With Traefik proxy, I had to set sniStrict to false, and also forgo client certificate check.

The workaround is different per ingress implementation. Even worse, depending on what the available workaround can achieve, the testing steps vary as well.

For example, I perform DICOM validation (Istio ingress) with the steps below:

# bhs: generate client key pair
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -subj /C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Waterloo/O=Digihunch/OU=Imaging/[email protected] -keyout bhs.client.key -out bhs.client.csr

# bhs: export intermediate CA credentials
kubectl -n bhs-orthweb get secret int-ca-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.key}' | base64 -d >
kubectl -n bhs-orthweb get secret int-ca-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}' | base64 -d >

# bhs: get intermediate CA to sign client cert 
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in bhs.client.csr -CA -CAkey -set_serial 01 -out bhs.client.crt

# bhs: validate web request (without client certificate)
curl -k -X GET -u admin:orthanc --cacert

# bhs: validate DICOM c-echo request (with client certificate)
echoscu -aet TESTER -aec ORTHANC -d +tls bhs.client.key bhs.client.crt -rc +cf 11112

# bhs: validate DICOM c-store request (with client certificate)
storescu -aet TESTER -aec ORTHANC -d +tls bhs.client.key bhs.client.crt -rc +cf 11112 DICOM_CT/0001.dcm

On the other hand, for Traefik ingress, I have to use anonymous TLS without client certificate:

echoscu -aet TESTER -aec ORTHANC -d +tla -ic 11112
storescu -aet TESTER -aec ORTHANC -d +tla -ic 11112 DICOM_CT/123.dcm

The complexities with different test paths are consequences of the missing SNI capability in both DICOM toolkits. Unfortunately, the developers of the two DICOM tools are not aware of these consequences. I tried to contact dcmtk about this and will see what happens.

TLS profile

Another setting to pay close attention to is the security profile for TLS communication. These profiles defines the behaviours of dcmtk when it establishes TLS connection. The dcmtk has the following security profiles:

  • –profile-bcp195-nd (+py default): Non-downgrading BCP 195 TLS Profile
  • –profile-bcp195 (+px): BCP 195 TLS Profile
  • –profile-bcp195-ex (+pz): Extended BCP 195 TLS Profile
  • –profile-aes (+pa): AES TLS Secure Transport Connection Profile (retired)
  • –profile-null (+pn): Authenticated unencrypted communication (retired, was used in IHE ATNA)

The two at the bottom have been retired. The current profiles are all based on BCP195. BCP (best current practice) are sub-series of the corresponding RFC document series. The current revision of DICOM standard discusses bcp195-nd, bcp195 and bcp195-ex profiles in DICOM standard chapter PS 3.15 (B.9-B.11). For example, bcp195-nd requires that:

  • Implementation shall not negotiate TLS 1.0 or 1.1
  • Client and server shall prefer strict TLS configuration (as opposed to startTLS)
  • Ciphers that should be supported.
  • Recommend port 2762

These BCP profiles were incorporated into DICOM standard since 2018 and are all based on BCP195. BCP 195 states in section 3.6

3.6. Server Name Indication
TLS implementations MUST support the Server Name Indication (SNI)
extension defined in Section 3 of [RFC6066] for those higher-level
protocols that would benefit from it, including HTTPS. However, the
actual use of SNI in particular circumstances is a matter of local
Rationale: SNI supports deployment of multiple TLS-protected virtual
servers on a single address, and therefore enables fine-grained
security for these virtual servers, by allowing each one to have its
own certificate.

So technically, missing SNI is considered incompliant.


I find myself switching between dcmtk and dcm4che back and forth in the past. This time, I spent some time hoping to settle with the better tool this time. The effort is insightful but not fruitful. It is unfortunate to realize that neither supports SNI so I had to compromise the feature of my deployment. Hopefully one of those tools will catch up.