Cloud Platform

Cloud is a delivery model of computing services over remote network. This model is enabled by virtualization technology and features a pay-as-you-go pricing plan for computing services. Along with the flexible billing option, is the elasticity of managing services in the cloud platform.

When designing a cloud architecture, we mainly look at:

Cloud landing zone

A successful cloud platform enables application teams to focus on business requirement. The backbone of a cloud platform is a landing zone, which typically addresses security, networking and compliance requirement of the organization’s IT footprint in the cloud. Both AWS and Azure have guidelines of multiple options to deploy landing zones.

Storage design

Enterprise applications often have specific requirements on IOPS and throughput. Selecting a storage service in a cloud platform, must also consider the high availability, disaster recovery and cost efficiency.

Networking design

Networking design has profound impact on the security posture and must be well thought out. It sets the foundation of high availability and fault tolerance. Also, how traffic flows in and out the system significantly affect the cost.

Infrastructure as code

There have been three categories of infrastructure as code, those based on markup language (ARM, CloudFormation), those based on general-purpose programming language (Pulumi, AWS CDK), and those based on Domain Specific Language (Terraform, Bicep). They have different levels of flexibility and different skill requirement.

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