Container Platform

Virtualization enables multi-tenancy, and containerization takes it further. Container allows us to run many more service processes than we used to be able to.

Container Platform

Containers run on a platform of its own. Releasing and operating a containerized application involves a bit more work due to the introduction of the container platform sitting between the application and the operating systems.

Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes has emerged as the de-facto standard of container platform. Building a Kubernetes cluster with a cloud service provider requires configuring a number of disjointed services to work together. A functional and scalable cluster is the foundation of a robust container platform. Make sure the design of Kubernetes cluster is solid.

Kubernetes Storage

Kubernetes was designed around the idea that Pods are ephemeral and so are their attached storage volumes. Now Kubernetes supports persistent storage but there are many nuances to consider before landing on a CSI-based storage solution.

Kubernetes Networking

Containerization favours microservice architecture. Cluster design needs to decides on a CNI to enable Pod-to-pod communication. Further, a container platform needs to address application networking requirement using network policy, service mesh or similar technologies.

Cloud Native Workload

CNCF promotes its own ecosystem for cloud native workload. Teams who move their applications to Kubernetes platform often have to reconsider the associated toolings. These teams need extensive investigation of available cloud native toolings.

More on Container Platform

  • Workload Identity on Kubernetes 2 of 2 โ€“ EKS - I discussed in my previous post on workload identity and dived into how it works in AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service). In this post I will continue the topic with AWS as the example. From the perspective of CSP, we consider any running process on the cloud resource as workload. Therefore,…
  • Workload Identity on Kubernetes 1 of 2 – AKS - As applications are moved to the cloud, the application workload hosted on virtual machines need to interact with cloud resources. For this, we need an IAM solution with two mechanisms: a (non-human) identity in the cloud service platform (CSP), to represent the application; a way to grant permission to this…
  • Kubernetes Networking Solutions Overview - Kubernetes networking involves a lot of details. We discuss some CNI plugins in this post. The most basic mode is kubenet. We use --network-plugin=kubenet with kubelet process to use it. Kubenet is not a CNI plugin, but it works with bridge, lo and host-local (CNI-compliant implementations). We can directly specify…
  • Kubernetes Storage Explained – from in-tree plugin to CSI - To support a variety of storage backend, Kubernetes abstract storage issues with several objects (volume, persistent volume, persistent volume claim, storage class) and adopts container storage interface. Unfortunately, the documents are not very well organized to deliver the idea of these concepts, most likely because features are introduced at very…
  • Docker storage - Microservices are all about stateless and ephemeral workloads, and containers are great microservices. This may suggest that that Docker is all about ephemeral storage. In fact, Docker supports both non-persistent and persistent storage, such as database, kafka, etc. Non-persistent storage is automatically created, alongside the container and is tied to…

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