Tag: cloud native

  • Thumbnail for GraphQL and gRPC

    GraphQL and gRPC

    Big Picture For inter-process communication at a high level, the two styles are asynchronous and synchronous styles: RPCs, built on top of TCP/UDP, are usually…

  • Thumbnail for Kubernetes Storage on Azure 3 of 3 – Ceph by Rook

    Kubernetes Storage on Azure 3 of 3 – Ceph by Rook

    In the last two posts, I covered the native storage options on Azure Kubernetes Service, as well as Portworx as an example of a proprietary…

  • Thumbnail for Kubernetes Storage on Azure 2 of 3 – Portworx

    Kubernetes Storage on Azure 2 of 3 – Portworx

    In the previous post, we have discussed built-in storage classes on Azure Kubernetes. Further to that, we will examine some third-party software defined storage (SDS)…

  • Thumbnail for Intro to Ceph storage

    Intro to Ceph storage

    Ceph is a unified, distributed storage system designed for excellent performance, reliability and scalability. In this post, I will introduce Ceph and explain how it…

  • Thumbnail for Kick the tires on ArgoCD

    Kick the tires on ArgoCD

    Background In January, I wrote about FluxCD, and adopted it in the Korthweb project. I like the simple design of FluxCD, and I am comfortable…
