Tag: ingress

  • Thumbnail for Knative Eventing Introduction

    Knative Eventing Introduction

    In the previous post, I mentioned that Knative Serving and Knative Eventing should be seen as two different projects. The former is supposed to be…

  • Thumbnail for Knative Serving Introduction

    Knative Serving Introduction

    Background As per IBM‘s definition, Knative enables serverless workloads to run on Kubernetes clusters, and makes building and orchestrating containers with Kubernetes faster and easier.…

  • Thumbnail for Istio External Authorization via OIDC

    Istio External Authorization via OIDC

    Istio service mesh allows application developers to offload non-core features to infrastructure layer. We explored authentication and authorization with Istio in a basic lab. In…

  • Thumbnail for Istio Lab – Authentication and Authorization

    Istio Lab – Authentication and Authorization

    My previous blog discussed as service mesh what Istio can offer in terms of authentication and authorization capabilities. Istio can authenticate an incoming HTTP request,…

  • Thumbnail for Istio Authentication and Authorization

    Istio Authentication and Authorization

    Applications running on Kubernetes platform seeks to offload common non-business features to the platform. Istio helps Kubernetes bridge that gap. It can enforce mTLS communication,…

  • Thumbnail for Traffic Segmentation on Kubernetes Platform

    Traffic Segmentation on Kubernetes Platform

    When operating Kubernetes as a platform for multiple tenants, one of the concerns is controlling the network traffic. This is sometimes referred to as traffic…
