Tag: grpc

  • GraphQL and gRPC

    Big Picture For inter-process communication at a high level, the two styles are asynchronous and synchronous styles: RPCs, built on top of TCP/UDP, are usually…

  • Etcd – the key-value store for Kubernetes

    Etcd in Kubernetes In Kubernetes architecture, etcd is the data store. It stores the desired state of Kubernetes object. API server is the only client…

  • Service Proxy – from Nginx to Envoy

    Update (Nov 20, 2022): 1. Envoy’s configuration schema can be hard to get used to. It is lacking examples because the documentation is mostly generated.…

  • Istio External Authorization via OIDC

    Istio service mesh allows application developers to offload non-core features to infrastructure layer. We explored authentication and authorization with Istio in a basic lab. In…

  • From Microservice to Service Mesh

    We all know what microservice is now but how does service mesh assist with microservice development. Microservice Microservice as an architecture was firstly conceptualized in…
