Tag: gitops

  • Thumbnail for Kubernetes Platform as a Service and Red Hat OpenShift

    Kubernetes Platform as a Service and Red Hat OpenShift

    The Three-layer model Kubernetes is so complex that it becomes a buzz word itself. I categorize the related work into three layers: a cluster layer,…

  • Thumbnail for Kick the tires on ArgoCD

    Kick the tires on ArgoCD

    Background In January, I wrote about FluxCD, and adopted it in the Korthweb project. I like the simple design of FluxCD, and I am comfortable…

  • Thumbnail for Hosting database on Kubernetes

    Hosting database on Kubernetes

    Background “We want to host Postgres database on Kubernetes. Can you help us?”. The client appears assertive and reluctant to resort to managed services. So…

  • Thumbnail for Kubernetes Operator

    Kubernetes Operator

    Kubernetes has a number of tools to automate the deployment of a single workload. In previous posts, we had covered Helm and Kustomize. What are…

  • Thumbnail for FluxCD: Continuous Deployment with GitOps

    FluxCD: Continuous Deployment with GitOps

    This post explains why I land on FluxCD GitOps for my project. Let’s star Background In the Korthweb project, I landed on Istio for the…
