Tag: orthanc

  • Thumbnail for DICOM testing over TLS

    DICOM testing over TLS

    I have two open-source projects to deploy a medical imaging application on different platforms. In both of them, I define DICOM validation scenario, and provide…

  • Thumbnail for Service Proxy – from Nginx to Envoy

    Service Proxy – from Nginx to Envoy

    Update (Nov 20, 2022): 1. Envoy’s configuration schema can be hard to get used to. It is lacking examples because the documentation is mostly generated.…

  • Thumbnail for Helm – Configuration Management for Kubernetes Resources

    Helm – Configuration Management for Kubernetes Resources

    Developer ships application in Docker container, so it can eventually hosted in Kubernetes cluster. However, there are still some installation steps, before the application can…

  • Secure web application deployment

    In Nov 2020, I created OrthWeb project, a deployment of Orthanc’s server. Orthanc is a DICOM viewer and repo shipped in Docker container. In the…

  • Automatic deployment of Orthanc on AWS

    [Update] Some security improvement was introduced in may 2021. Here‘s detail. [Update] Here’s the link to the orthweb repository. In this project we introduce a…
