Tag: continuous integration

  • Thumbnail for Chaos Mesh – Cloud Native Chaos Engineering

    Chaos Mesh – Cloud Native Chaos Engineering

    In this post, we discuss the resilience test problem and why chaos mesh emerged. Then we go over a lab of chaos mesh with a…

  • Getting started with GitHub Actions

    In my orthweb project, I had to compile a library on my own. In search for free computing resources I realized that GitHub action can…

  • Automated Deployment Pipeline 3 of 3

    Background We have previously covered a pipeline example with Jenkins calling Ansible to leverage OpenSSH configuration and Ansible inventory. We also discussed a use case…

  • Automated Deployment Pipeline 2 of 3

    In this posting, we continue to discuss Jenkins’ ability to automate deployment routines. Jenkins supports freestyle project out of the box, as well as Pipeline…

  • Automated Deployment Pipeline 1 of 3

    The business case You launched a software application. You installed it on two customer sites. You support the application mostly by SSH to customer server…

  • AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Exam Tips

    The last 30 days have been exhausting for me. I studied hard on the new AWS Certified DevOps Engineer exam and thank goodness I passed…
