Tag: control plane

  • Thumbnail for EKS impression

    EKS impression

    I’ve worked on a few AKS projects previously. Since I joined AWS I wanted to put aside some time to check out EKS (Elastic Kubernetes…

  • Thumbnail for Build and Manage Kubernetes Clusters

    Build and Manage Kubernetes Clusters

    There are numerous options to build a Kubernetes cluster. If your company has a multi-cloud strategy, most likely you will have to deal with cluster…

  • Thumbnail for Istio Operation Gotchas

    Istio Operation Gotchas

    In this post I discuss a few aspects when putting istio in operation. Installation Istio installation can be confusing, due to architectural and guideline changes…

  • Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam

    The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam is a hands-on session where you need to follow the instructions to configure the system in a bash terminal…
