Transport Layer Transport Layer handles multiplexing & de-multiplexing through ports. Port is more or less a virtual concept. Source port is usually ephemeral. Two dominant…
Replication Terms PIT (point in time) replica – snapshot of the source at some specific timestamp;Continuous Replica – always in-sync with the production data;Recoverability –…
What layer model works the best? Back in university my textbook was based on OSI 7-layer model. It is rigorously defined and often used in…
A BitBucket repo has a hard limit of 2GB in size, and soft limit of 1GB. This is not expandable as per Bitbucket and contributors will start receiving…
Business Continuity Information Availability IA = MTBF/(MTBF+MTTR), where* MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) – average time available for a system or component to perform its…
My previous post outlines several core concepts around cryptography, such as asymmetric key encryption, digital certificate, the encoding formats and relevant file extensions. In this…