Tag: docker

  • Thumbnail for Build and Manage Kubernetes Clusters

    Build and Manage Kubernetes Clusters

    There are numerous options to build a Kubernetes cluster. If your company has a multi-cloud strategy, most likely you will have to deal with cluster…

  • Thumbnail for MinIO for S3-compatible Object Storage

    MinIO for S3-compatible Object Storage

    I reviewed some storage technologies on Kubernetes but they are all for block and file storage. In this post, I will discuss the current available…

  • Thumbnail for Knative Eventing Introduction

    Knative Eventing Introduction

    In the previous post, I mentioned that Knative Serving and Knative Eventing should be seen as two different projects. The former is supposed to be…

  • Thumbnail for Knative Serving Introduction

    Knative Serving Introduction

    Background As per IBM‘s definition, Knative enables serverless workloads to run on Kubernetes clusters, and makes building and orchestrating containers with Kubernetes faster and easier.…

  • Thumbnail for From Microservice to Service Mesh

    From Microservice to Service Mesh

    We all know what microservice is now but how does service mesh assist with microservice development. Microservice Microservice as an architecture was firstly conceptualized in…

  • Thumbnail for Infrastructure deployment in Terraform 2/2

    Infrastructure deployment in Terraform 2/2

    In a previous post, I introduced Terraform Cloud and covered how to use AWS profiles with Terraform. This time I explored some alternatives to Terraform…
