Tag: prometheus

  • Thumbnail for Etcd – the key-value store for Kubernetes

    Etcd – the key-value store for Kubernetes

    Etcd in Kubernetes In Kubernetes architecture, etcd is the data store. It stores the desired state of Kubernetes object. API server is the only client…

  • Thumbnail for Kubernetes Operator

    Kubernetes Operator

    Kubernetes has a number of tools to automate the deployment of a single workload. In previous posts, we had covered Helm and Kustomize. What are…

  • Thumbnail for Autoscaling on Kubernetes Platform

    Autoscaling on Kubernetes Platform

    Edit Post Introduction The concept of autoscaling on Kubernetes platform dates from the era where virtualization first became widespread and the overhead of provisioning a…

  • Thumbnail for Istio Operation Gotchas

    Istio Operation Gotchas

    In this post I discuss a few aspects when putting istio in operation. Installation Istio installation can be confusing, due to architectural and guideline changes…

  • Thumbnail for Logging and Monitoring in Kubernetes with PLG stack

    Logging and Monitoring in Kubernetes with PLG stack

    We’ve checked out the the actors in PLG stack (Promtail, Loki, Node Exporter, Prometheus, Grafana) and whipped up a quick pipeline on MacOS. Now I’m…

  • Thumbnail for Intro to PLG stack -Prometheus, Loki and Grafana

    Intro to PLG stack -Prometheus, Loki and Grafana

    Last month we discussed log shipping with EFK. This week I spent sometime checking out its alternative Loki. Having been exposed to the ELK stack…
