Journey of an IT Architect

  • Thumbnail for Key mapping for external PC keyboard on Mac

    Key mapping for external PC keyboard on Mac

    This post is to document my steps to use external Windows keyboard on Mac with custom key mapping. Background Apple’s magic keyboard does not support…

  • Thumbnail for AWS serverless services and developer tools

    AWS serverless services and developer tools

    As discussed, serverless simply means cloud services that delegate autoscaling management to cloud platform. In my mind, the word “serverless” translates into “managed autoscaling”. As…

  • Thumbnail for Computing services: from PaaS to Serverless

    Computing services: from PaaS to Serverless

    Silicon Valley startups in mid-2000s likely do not run their own IT operations (i.e. renting their own data centre spaces, purchasing their own rack-mounted servers).…

  • Thumbnail for GraphQL and gRPC

    GraphQL and gRPC

    Big Picture For inter-process communication at a high level, the two styles are asynchronous and synchronous styles: RPCs, built on top of TCP/UDP, are usually…

  • Thumbnail for Build and Manage Kubernetes Clusters

    Build and Manage Kubernetes Clusters

    There are numerous options to build a Kubernetes cluster. If your company has a multi-cloud strategy, most likely you will have to deal with cluster…

  • Thumbnail for MinIO for S3-compatible Object Storage

    MinIO for S3-compatible Object Storage

    I reviewed some storage technologies on Kubernetes but they are all for block and file storage. In this post, I will discuss the current available…
