Journey of an IT Architect

  • Thumbnail for A taste of IoT device tracking

    A taste of IoT device tracking

    Last fall I worked on a demo project for IoT device tracking on AWS so I had some reading. Overview From a strategic level, as…

  • Thumbnail for DICOM testing over TLS

    DICOM testing over TLS

    I have two open-source projects to deploy a medical imaging application on different platforms. In both of them, I define DICOM validation scenario, and provide…

  • Thumbnail for GitHub Action Gotchas

    GitHub Action Gotchas

    I started with GitHub Actions a couple years ago. Recently I came across a few interesting use cases while I was trying to setup Terraform…

  • Thumbnail for Optimize CPU and Memory for Kubernetes Pod

    Optimize CPU and Memory for Kubernetes Pod

    When optimizing workload performance, it is important to understand how on earth operating system allocates CPU and memory to processes. This helps understand how to…

  • Thumbnail for EKS impression

    EKS impression

    I’ve worked on a few AKS projects previously. Since I joined AWS I wanted to put aside some time to check out EKS (Elastic Kubernetes…
