ebRIM Information Model

RIM is an ANSI approved standard consisting of a generic set of classes from which more specific health classes are derived. For example, subclasses of the class act include observation and procedure. ebXML Registry stores any type of content as Repository Items in a repository and stores standardized metadata describing the content as RegistryObject in a registry.

The information below are from ebXML Registry Information Model Version 3.0 by Oasis.

PrefixXML NamespaceComments
rim:urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:3.0This is the Registry Information Model namespace [ebRIM]. The prefix is generally elided in mentions of Registry Information Model elements in text.
rs:urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rs:3.0This is the ebXML Registry namespace that defines base types for registry service requests and responses [ebRS]. The prefix is generally elided in mentions of ebXML Registry protocol-related elements in text.
query:urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:query:3.0This is the ebXML Registry query namespace that is used in the query protocols used between clients and the QueryManager service [ebRS].
lcm:urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:lcm:3.0This is the ebXML Registry Life Cycle Management namespace that is used in the life cycle management protocols used between clients and the LifeCycleManager service [ebRS].
cms:urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:cms:3.0This is the ebXML Registry Content Management Services namespace that is used in the content management protocols used between registry and pluggable content managent services [ebRS].

Core Information Model

  • Class LocalizedString

This class is used as a simple wrapper class that associates a String with its locale. The class is needed in the InternationalString class where a Set of LocalizedString instances are kept. Each LocalizedString instance has a charset and lang attribute as well as a value attribute of type String.

  • Class Identifiable

The Identifiable class is the common super class for most classes in the information model. Information model Classes whose instances have a unique identity are descendants of the Identifiable Class.

  • Class RegistryObject (super class: Identifiable)

The RegistryObject class extends the Identifiable class and serves as a common super class for most classes in the information model.

  • Class ObjectRef (super class: Identifiable)

The information model supports the ability for an attribute in an instance of an information model class to reference a RegistryObject instance using an object reference. An object reference is modelled in this specification with the ObjectRef class.An instance of the ObjectRef class is used to reference a RegistryObject. A RegistryObject MAY be referenced via an ObjectRef instance regardless of its location within a registry or that of the object referring to it.

  • Class Slot

Slot instances provide a dynamic way to add arbitrary attributes to RegistryObject instances. This ability to add attributes dynamically to RegistryObject instances enables extensibility within the information model.

  • Class ExtrinsicObject (super class: RegistryObject)

The ExtrinsicObject class is the primary metadata class for a RepositoryItem.

  • Class RegistryPackage (super class: RegistryObject)

RegistryPackage instances allow for grouping of logically related RegistryObject instances even if individual member objects belong to different Submitting Organizations.

  • Class ExternalIdentifier (super Class: RegistryObject)

ExternalIdentifier instances provide the additional identifier information to RegistryObject such as DUNS number, Social Security Number, or an alias name of the organization. The attribute identificationScheme is used to reference the identification scheme (e.g., “DUNS”, “Social Security #”), and the attribute value contains the actual information (e.g., the DUNS number, the social security number). Each RegistryObject MAY contain 0 or more ExternalIdentifier instances.

Association Information Model

  • Class Association (super class: RegistryObject)

Association instances are used to define many-to-many associations among RegistryObjects in the information model.An instance of the Association class represents an association between two RegistryObjects.

Classification Information Model

  • Class ClassificationScheme (super class: RegistryObject)

A ClassificationScheme instance describes a taxonomy. The taxonomy hierarchy may be defined internally to the registry by instances of ClassificationNode, or it may be defined externally to the Registry, in which case the structure and values of the taxonomy elements are not known to the Registry.In the first case the classification scheme is said to be internal and in the second case the classification scheme is said to be external.

  • Class ClassificationNode (super class: RegistryObject)

ClassificationNode instances are used to define tree structures where each node in the tree is a ClassificationNode. Such ClassificationScheme trees are constructed with ClassificationNode instances under a ClassificationScheme instance, and are used to define Classification schemes or ontologies

  • Class Classification (super class: RegistryObject)

A Classification instance classifies a RegistryObject instance by referencing a node defined within a particular ClassificationScheme. An internal Classification will always reference the node directly, by its id, while an external Classification will reference the node indirectly by specifying a representation of its value that is unique within the external classification scheme.The attributes for the Classification class are intended to allow for representation of both internal and external classifications in order to minimize the need for a submission or a query to distinguish between internal and external classifications….Other information models available but not relevant in RN project: Provenance Information Model, Service Information Model, Event Information Model, Cooperating Registries Information Model, Access Control Information Model