Journey of an IT Architect

  • Package Repository Management for Linux

    RPM is the package manager tool in Linux. YUM is a repository management tool to fetch appropriate package for the particular version of Linux. YUM…

  • Interesting terms and principles

    It is enlightening to find out that several things that I struggled at different times in professional life are actually experienced by many predecessors. Some…

  • How is memory managed in Linux

    When speaking about memory there are a few concepts that I had to wrap my head around. I’m hence putting them together for future reference.…

  • Linux Kernel and process scheduling

    Kernel introduction Linux system is composed of three main bodies of code, in line with the most traditional UNIX implementations: Kernel: The kernel is responsible…

  • Java version confusions

    Anyone working with deploying Java applications inevitably came across one of these confusions with the terms. Let’s clarify them. This clarification is not for Java…

  • Redhat Firewall configuration: from iptables to firewalld

    Tools to manage firewall Packet filter rules in Linux Kernel is managed by an user-space application named iptables in CentOS and RedHat. Since CentOS 7,…
