Tag: cryptography

  • Thumbnail for Public Key Infrastructure 3 of 3 – PKI Implementation

    Public Key Infrastructure 3 of 3 – PKI Implementation

    After the last two post, now we can focus on PKI implementation. The use case is software testing, where we need to create and recycle…

  • Thumbnail for Public Key Infrastructure 1 of 3 – Basics

    Public Key Infrastructure 1 of 3 – Basics

    In 2021, I wrote an intro to Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Now that I have to host my own certificate authority, I decide to dive…

  • Cryptography basics 2 of 2

    My previous post outlines several core concepts around cryptography, such as asymmetric key encryption, digital certificate, the encoding formats and relevant file extensions. In this…

  • Cryptography Basics 1 of 2

    I have been dabbling with OpenSSL commands to achieve what I needed during IT implementation, but I decided to spent some time to overcome the…
