Tag: IP address

  • Thumbnail for EKS impression

    EKS impression

    I’ve worked on a few AKS projects previously. Since I joined AWS I wanted to put aside some time to check out EKS (Elastic Kubernetes…

  • Thumbnail for Traffic Segmentation on Kubernetes Platform

    Traffic Segmentation on Kubernetes Platform

    When operating Kubernetes as a platform for multiple tenants, one of the concerns is controlling the network traffic. This is sometimes referred to as traffic…

  • Thumbnail for Kubernetes Networking Solutions Overview

    Kubernetes Networking Solutions Overview

    Kubernetes networking involves a lot of details. We discuss some CNI plugins in this post. The most basic mode is kubenet. We use –network-plugin=kubenet with…

  • Secure web application deployment

    In Nov 2020, I created OrthWeb project, a deployment of Orthanc’s server. Orthanc is a DICOM viewer and repo shipped in Docker container. In the…

  • Basic Resource Object in Kubernetes 1 of 2

    For someone from a system administration background, it would be amazing to discover that Kubernetes provides a solution to every pain point in the traditional…

  • Docker network in different modes

    Reading notes of “Docker DeepDive”. Docker networking is backed by libnetwork, which is an implementation of Container Network Model (CNM), an open-source pluggable architecture designed…
